Sunday, 10 AM Worship Service in the Sanctuary - Also on YouTube and Facebook. Join us as we move into the future with hope and joy.

Music Ministries

Praise God with shouts of joy, all people! Sing to the glory of his name; offer him glorious praise!

Music Ministry is about so much more than a choir getting up to sing an anthem each week. It’s an opportunity to worship Christ. It’s a prayer; a lesson for the congregation. Although we always need people to receive our music, we can also use more participating in it’s creation as well!

Additional information will be provided shortly.

Chancel Choir

The Chancel Choir has taken the summer off.  We will resume at the end of summer.

The Chancel Choir sings during the 10:00 worship service. You do not have to be a particularly strong singer to join the choir. You don’t even have to know how to read music. The only thing that is required is a joy for singing.

EVERYONE (yes, even you!) IS WELCOME!!

Alleluia Bell Ringers

Alleluia Bell Ringers are currently on hiatus.  We will let you know when we have a new director and start practicing and performing again. 

This is an excellent opportunity for someone that has little or no knowledge of music. We can teach you everything you need to know in just a few minutes. The more people involved with this group, the easier it becomes.

For more information, contact the church office at 970-353-5522 or

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