Worship Times & Office Hours
Worship Times:
Sunday Worship in Sanctuary – 10 AM
Also available on Facebook & YouTube
Children’s Sunday School – 10:15 AM
Office Hours 8 AM – 12 Noon, Mon – Thur
Please join us!
His Ride Bus Service
FUMC offers bus service for the current 10:00 service to anyone unable to get to church. Our bus has a lift, so walkers and wheelchairs are not a problem. If you need a ride, please call the church office at 970-353-5522 by noon on Thursday; by 8:30 Sunday morning if there is a sudden change in your plans to drive to church. For questions or even to request a ride, call the church office and leave a message. We will call to let you know what time the bus will be coming to pick you up. Take advantage of this wonderful service!